Kare Air Technologies Co., LTD.
  • (65)68611540/66368977
  • 1 2
  • Kitchen Exhaust Solutions
    Remove oil mist, grease,
    odors, clean contaminated
    indoor air...
  • HVAC Solutions
    Captures airborne particles of
    of 0.01 micron or larger from
    the air circulated through it...
  • Industrial Solutions
    Remove dust, smoke, dry smoke,
    smoke,oil mist and coolant aerosol coolant aerosol...
  • Odor Control & Sterilization
    Kitchen smoke, garbage room
    and industrial odor removal...

  • Principles+MORE

    Electronic Air Cleaner removes airborne particles by electrostatic prdcipitation. Dirty air is drawn by a fan through an aluminium alloy mesh washable tre-fillter or other media fillters shich trap large size particles. The remaining particles enter the high voltage charged section collecting section of cell consisting of parallel arrays of positive and negative clectrode plates...
  • ADDRESS:8 Bern Road #12-05 Trivex Singapore
  • TEL:(65)6861 1540/(65)6636 8977
  • Copyright © 2018.Kare Air Technologies Asia Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved苏ICP备19052030号-2
